IT Hit User File System

Create your own virtual drive and user-mode file system in .NET/C# for Windows and macOS with synchronization support, on-demand loading, offline files, Windows Explorer and macOS Finder integration.

User-mode File System Engine

IT Hit User File System Engine provides a high-level API for creating a user-mode file system in .NET without installing any third-party mini-filter or any file system drivers. 

100% safe, managed code. No unsafe memory management operations. No blue screens.

Synchronization Framework

IT Hit User File System provides a file system synchronization framework based on the Windows 10+ Cloud Files API, and macOS File Provider API.

It supports OneDrive-like on-demand loading, selective offline availability, download/upload progress, file system status reporting, as well as Windows File Manager and macOS Finder integration.

Designed for Window and macOS

The library API relies on the newest Windows 10+ and macOS 11+ API, specifically designed for creating virtual drives and user-mode file systems with synchronization support.

The Engine is using the Microsoft Cloud Files driver supplied with Windows 10+, and macOS 11+ File Provider Extension providing unprecedented reliability and development simplicity in C#, VB.NET, or any other .NET language.

Virtual Drive Demo

See what you can do with User File System in a 1-minute Microsoft Office document editing video. The video shows the Virtual File System sample supplied with User File System that supports on-demand content loading, on-demand folders listing, file status indication, custom icons in the Status column, download progress bar, and automatic document locking.

Virtual File System Sample in .NET, C#

This sample implements a virtual file system with synchronization support, on-demand loading, selective offline files support, upload and download progress, and error reporting. It synchronizes files and folders both from remote storage to the user file system and from the user file system to remote storage.

It demonstrates major features of the IT Hit User File System for .NET and provide patterns for its programming. You will use this sample as a starting point for creating a One Drive-like file system for your DMS/CRM/ERP and will reprogram it to publish data from your real storage instead of the local file system.


Virtual File System Sample in .NET, C#
Virtual File System Sample in .NET, C#

Virtual Drive Sample in .NET, C#

This sample provides virtual drive implementation with thumbnail support, Microsoft Office documents editing support, automatic Microsoft Office document locking. It also demonstrates custom column support in Windows File Manager.

To simulate the remote storage, this sample is using a folder in the local file system on the same machine. This sample supports all basic synchronization features provided by the Virtual File System sample: folders on-demand listing, files on-demand content loading, selective offline files support, hydration progress. The sample is written in C#/.NET.


Creating Virtual File System - Quick Start Guide

Step-by-step instructions on creating a OneDrive-like virtual file system for Windows and macOS in .NET with basic functionality such as on-demand folder content listing, on-demand file content hydration, offline files support, client-to-server, and server-to-client synchronization.


Creating Virtual File System - Quick Start Guide
Creating Virtual Drive in .NET/C# - Advanced Features Programming Guide

Creating Virtual Drive - Advanced Features Programming Guide

Describes advanced virtual drive features programming such as move and delete operations sequence, Microsoft Office/AutoCAD files save operations, and automatic documents locking on Windows platform.


Class Reference Documentation

Class Reference Documentation

Online class reference documentation provides descriptions of all IT Hit User File System Engine for .NET interfaces, methods, and properties with sample code.